Take your dance to the next level! 
M&M Tango (Mary Oleskiewicz and Marco Cavallari) will offer a Music and Movement class at the New England Tango Academy on Friday, Dec. 20, before Milonga XO starting at 8:15pm.
The class, for mixed levels, will teach dancers to create distinct types of movement quality that reflect the diverse styles of Golden Age tango orchestras. We will not teach new figures, but will instead show followers and leaders how to change, at will, the quality of the walk, the side step, the ocho, and other familiar figures.
No partner needed.
Location: New England Tango Academy, 620 Cambridge St., Cambridge, MA
Class: 8:15 to 9:30, $17/$15 students with ID; with milonga entrance $25/$22:
Milonga, 9:30 to 1am, $12/10
Click here for NETA.