REVIEW of Lecture-Recital on Frederick “the Great,” Las Vegas, National Flute Association
“Brilliantly performed…”
NFA Chronicles (Oct. 2012)
…The culminating Baroque flute event was a fascinating lecture/recital entitled “The Flutist of Sanssouci: Frederick “the Great” as Composer, and Performer,” presented by Mary Oleskiewicz, associate professor at the University of Massachusetts and a leading authority on Quantz. Oleskiewicz, who recently received a grant to study and perform at Frederick’s Sanssouci Palace in Potsdam, Germany, is a well-researched scholar and delivers her information with great enthusiasm. Her lecture was enhanced by projected slides of Fredrick “the Great,” Quantz, and the palace. She brilliantly performed sonatas by Fredrick on a replica of a Quantz two-keyed traverso (E-flat and D-sharp keys) made by Jean-Francois Beaudin from Montreal, Canada.